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Old Posted Aug 4, 2021, 9:58 AM
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mousquet mousquet is offline
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^ Hé hé, I knew I would get replies like this when I wrote the comment, but it doesn't matter.

You're a just bit a harsh by your judgement when you don't know the person you talk about.
As far as I go, I actually always act civilized and even kind to tourists here.
Cause you know, it's important for us to be friendly, make sure they enjoy their stay and feel good here... Not only because they spend their money that's most often hard to earn over the place, but also because the mere fact that they spend some of their time to visit our city is very nice of them. I couldn't tell whether we deserve it or not, but it is like a privilege given to us, so to say.
That's the way I see it and I guess more and more get aware of it in this COVID time. Foreign tourists are badly missed here. From now on, people who complain about them (which is idiotic and unfair) might think twice before doing so.

Now, why is this thread nonsensical to me? Because it's impossible to say what town would be the nicest, most beautiful or whatever in Europe. They are just different.
It's like people constantly discussing London vs Paris. I've always been said that both towns are actually quite different by those who know London well enough, each with their own good traits and flaws.

You might enjoy some nice experience anywhere anyway. Suppose you'd go to Warsaw, Poland and madly fall in love with a woman over there, by an accident. Well, Varsaw, Poland would then turn out to be your favorite place on Earth.
That's it.
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