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Old Posted Jul 17, 2021, 1:43 PM
adamuptownsj adamuptownsj is offline
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Originally Posted by MonctonRad View Post
I very much like the podium. The tower itself, not so much. I wonder if this will change (even a tweak to the cladding or size of the windows would make a difference). I agree with Fischbob - the fenestration ratio in the tower just looks off.........
It all looks bland. I'll come out and say it.

-The front entrance takes more inspiration from auto dealerships or nice malls than the market next door.
-Beige paneling is doing a lot of work masquerading as sandstone over a giant surface area. Let's not kid ourselves, this is functionally beige concrete.
-Not a foot of stepback from podium, makes podium look even faker. Podium exhibits no detailing, it's as plain as the RBC building across the street. No floor by floor variation in window height, no decorative brickwork, nothing.
-King Square face is atrocious. Everything about it
-Middle section of King St podium looks like a kid's drawing.

Worst part is the treatment of views.

To the west is... office towers next door and Douglas Avenue on the horizon. Penthouse might get the mill, haha. Balconies are loaded to this side. Second worst views after the north side, which doesn't really have anything, even distance.

The views to the east (two mature parks!) and of course the south (the peninsula and ocean) are basically neglected.
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