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Old Posted May 14, 2021, 3:53 PM
EdwardTH EdwardTH is offline
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Originally Posted by steveosnyder View Post
With three kids it's either bike along waterfront or drive for us. No good bus service into the Forks. The last time we went we took the bus and walked from Pioneer. Wasn't too bad, but it's tough to have a day there with young ones after walking a kilometer.

Hopefully this makes the gap feel smaller when walking, the blank walls and surface lot along east Main Street, then the underpass and more parking lots makes it feel a lot longer.
Yeah I don't deny that if you live far from the core and have kids driving is by far the easiest way to go to the Forks. But the Forks has/is transitioning away from that model. Suburban families still think the Forks is supposed to revolve around them and their kids visiting twice a year and can't fathom that it's not all about them. Really the forks is pivoting to serve the neighbourhoods close by and is better for it.
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