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Old Posted May 7, 2021, 6:47 PM
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Originally Posted by inter777 View Post
Coun. Bortolin is campaigning to revive the proposal by the Windsor Express to transform the barn. Sounds like the club has significant financial backing from Libro (pending) and the Butcher Engineering family for this project in the amount of several million dollars.

This would be a great addition to our downtown.
Really glad to see Bortolin trying to get this done. Based on the article, it sounds like they really do need to just sit down together and hash it out since it sounds like there is some weird catch 22 logic going on with the letter of intent and the secured financing from Libro.

To me, this is a project that all members of council should be looking at how to get done instead of opting for an easy-out with a demolition. The multi-use part of the facility makes it even more enticing than just a straight arena (although that's great too) as well as the commercial and retail components. Something like this really has the potential to impact downtown, especially with the City also looking at revamping the Civic esplanade just a block away. While I don't think any one project will be the "key" to saving downtown, all of these projects (e.g. residential developments) together are all pieces to the puzzle to making it vibrant. Anyway, I'm just really passionate about improving downtown and the City, so I'm rooting for this one!
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