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Old Posted Feb 6, 2021, 7:56 PM
LakeLocker LakeLocker is offline
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Originally Posted by someone123 View Post
I'd say for the Quebec-Labrador thing the argument is more than there's a de facto border argument, an argument based on past arbitration and norms of distribution of territory based on geography, and the cultural/historical argument. And they all point to NL getting a chunk of "inland" Labrador (actually a lot of it being waterways that empty in the towns and villages on the coast). Yet Quebec is not always happy about it.
Don't forget that a big reason watersheds matters is when you engage in damming those rivers.

But yeah, the part I'm missing is where the Quebec claim even comes from.

Like is it literally anything north of us is ours?

I've never understood why Quebec has any claim to most of its northern bits. Nor do it make sense that most northern ends of the other mainland provinces are under control of the south.

Newfies didn't need a territorial claim to head to Fort Mack. We were going no matter what.
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