Thread: Old Halifax
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Old Posted Jan 16, 2021, 7:33 AM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith P. View Post
Yes, I've heard that stated so many times that I presume it is fact. Otherwise it could be built N-S or E-W. So, how do you do that with a building that size on that site while preserving the old building there and still get the square footage you need? You fit it by pinching the middle. That is what I was getting at.
Oh, sorry, I see what you were getting at.

Looking at the photos, I'm not seeing the MT&T building being deep enough to necessitate the notch in the MC, rather I'm seeing it as a building feature to accommodate elevators with an exterior view - you will note that the notch is on both sides of the building - it is symmetrical.

I'll have to see if I can find a photo that illustrates it better, but here is one posted above from the 1970s that leads me to believe the MT&T building wouldn't necessitate the notch:

And here's another one from the 2001 photoset that shows that view, but of course the old buildings are long gone:

You'll note that the bevelled edges of the ends match the bevel for the notch - makes me think it's a 'styling feature'.

But I could be wrong...
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