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Old Posted Dec 2, 2020, 2:03 AM
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rousseau rousseau is offline
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This oughta get the ball rolling:

The Unbearable Wokeness Of Being In Stratford

You can’t attend a performance anymore without first being hectored by a shopworn recording that acknowledges the Huron-Wendat, the Haudenosaunee and the Anishinaabe as the original stewards of the land on which the theatres are built. The Festival Theatre’s Executive Director has stated in the local newspaper that “land acknowledgements” are a traditional practise at Indigenous formal gatherings, justifying constant replication in the spirit of being “welcoming” and “inclusive.” Never mind that standard historical works concluded that the dense forests in this area were never occupied territories before Europeans cleared the trees and plowed the fields. There is no evidence they were even Indigenous hunting grounds.

More important, it is difficult to see how today’s remnants of the Huron-Wendat would feel welcomed by a recognition of Haudenosaunee presence in the territory, having been massacred and driven out of southwestern Ontario by them in the 1600s. Nor is it likely that the Haudenosaunee traditionally practised land acknowledgements in favour of the Huron-Wendat who preceded them. The Anishinaabe felt no need to consult with or acknowledge the claims of either people before signing treaties acknowledging British title to the land that was to become Perth County in the early 1800s.