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Old Posted Nov 20, 2020, 5:09 PM
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mello mello is offline
Babylon falling
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: San Diego
Posts: 2,610
Its pretty crazy how many projects are moving forward with the massive economic uncertainty that is looming. You have all these biotech projects in DT and UTC.

Post office project in Midway, Alexandria set to start another Biotech building across from One Paseo in Del Mar. The crane has been up with consturtion well under way at Aperture Del Mar at hwy 56 and Carmel Valley Rd.

River Walk Mission Valley on west side of MV and the approved Mission Gorge redo on east end of MV replacing tow yards with close to 2000 units, maybe a bit more, and is approved and hopefully start soon.

The big residential development on West Side of Mira Mesa that is 1800 units i believe and they have begun.

Alexan Little Italy and the one at Hawthorne and State I just mentioned. SD is booming right now, hopefully all this momentum against headwinds can get 7th and Market off the ground as that tower will do wonders for the skyline and fill in gaps from multiple angles.
<<<<< I'm loving this economic "recovery" >>>>>
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