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Old Posted Nov 20, 2020, 4:16 PM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by KeltonR View Post
I’ll post any reasonable response I want. This is the typical dismissive tone you’re known for when you don’t agree. No need to be schooling anyone.
Let me give ya some advice.

You can't possibly know what people think or what they believe, it would be foolish to assume anyone cares about the same things in the same way you do.

The decision on where to build a major factory is not unilateral, its made by probably dozens of people, and even though a guy like Musk gets the final say, I would not suspect he has particularly strong feelings about a 10 year old state law. Certainly not enough impact such a massive financial decision.

Hell he isn't even that political and to the extent he is he certainly isn't a "progressive", immigrant or not.

SB1070 might still weigh heavy on you and your particular social circles, but you shouldn't assume it does for other people (spoiler: It doesnt)
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