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Old Posted Nov 16, 2020, 6:21 PM
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niwell niwell is offline
sick transit, gloria
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Roncesvalles, Toronto
Posts: 11,113
I never really used to pay attention to litter that much unless it was egregious - think piles of cigarette butts post-snowmelt, or of course piles of Tim's cups. But now with a puppy just shy of 4 months and able to go on decently sized walks I've become hyper-aware to any form of litter. Because he wants to eat all of it. And let me tell you, there's a lot.

We live on a fairly major but non-commercial street and I can only assume people drop fast food containers and kleenex out of their cars. On the side streets I mostly walk it seems to be food wrappers dropped by school kids. Any house that is undergoing renovation (there seem to be a lot right now) is also a landmine for food related garbage and the dreaded Tim's cup.
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