Thread: Old Halifax
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Old Posted Oct 10, 2020, 3:36 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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I really appreciate your thoughtful reply and research. The information you were able to dig up is all new to me and quite fascinating.

Whenever I am looking through old photos to try to understand Halifax's path to the current day, it occurs to me that Halifax has been many things to many generations of people. When I think of the places that I like to go and the physical structures that I like to see when I'm strolling through the downtown, I also think about the people who walked the very same streets 50 or 100 or 150 years ago, and how they may have experienced 'their' Halifax.

Businesses start, flourish, and then die out. Each one of them being a very important part of peoples' lives for a period of time - a livelihood, a place to purchase goods or services, a place to visit and enjoy, etc. Then they are gone, sometimes the only evidence remaining is a sign in an old photograph - a hint of a much larger story that we will probably never know.
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