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Old Posted Sep 9, 2020, 1:32 AM
3rd&Brown 3rd&Brown is offline
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Originally Posted by allovertown View Post
But I think some people on this board are little too obsessed with the little things, when there's plenty of larger issues at hand.
Let me ask you a question?

How many middle and upper middle class families do you think leave this city a year because of the "little things"?

I know. You're gonna say they leave for the schools. I'm gonna tell you 50% of them leave because their neighborhood looks like sh*t and they're tired of looking at it. And that's my point, you address both of them because it's a virtuous cycle.

Their tax dollars will pay for your schools and your homeless programs.

And I've never contemplated selling my (multiple) properties in Philadelphia because of a virus. The city still has so much potential and I just want it to be its best.

Also. Not for nothing, but there is real science out there on how the appearance of a built environment can affect the perceptions and morale of people. If you walk to school passed trash strewn lots with litter everywhere and weeds growing from every crevice on the streets and in the sidewalks, how would you feel? Would you feel like the world was full of opportunity? Would you feel like your neighbors and city (your home) cared about you? Even more, why would you make any attempt to do better if everything was just falling down and apart around you. It's demoralizing. It also decreases public safety. This is not an opinion. It's fact.

I don't know why there is an argument about it. It's a both AND discussion, not either or.