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Old Posted Sep 8, 2020, 4:28 PM
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TonyTone TonyTone is offline
Tony V / ValuezTV
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Philly Metro DE-PA-NJ
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Originally Posted by cardeza View Post
Lack of buried power lines has absolutely nothing to do with city governance. Apparently this fact was lost on many. You have to operate within the world that actually exists to get things done, proposing pie in the sky "solutions" when people can't even grasp that the mayor has no control over PECO gets us nowhere in my estimation. Also not understanding how so many interpreted what I was saying as "the City is doing a great job in all aspects and can never improve". Say what? Citizens are very poorly informed on many levels and that affects how people view problems and potential solutions.

As for highways, the State is responsible for maintenance and upkeep. People in Philly dont complain to PennDOT about the state of the highways in the city and thus they are not prioritized. Part of the problem is people not even understanding the mayor (or whatever councilperson one hates the most) do not control interstate or state highways within the city limits.
Card, Im starting to think you work for the city, why you keep making excuses for this terrible lack of leadership is beyond me.

Word of the day is COORDINATION.

I still Fuck wit you tho.