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Old Posted Jun 21, 2020, 1:28 AM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by KEVINphx View Post
Spreading like WILDFIRE here and I have anecdotally noticed a decrease in traffic and people in public in general over the last week . . . between actual sickness spreading and keeping people at home plus I think a lot of people are practicing some extra caution considering what is going on . . .

then you have highly intelligent people, some of whom appear to be posting maybe just above me . . . who seem to still not fucking get it. As if backwater Prescott (don't get me wrong, I LOVE the town and weather and people are friendly) but they are about as RIGHT WING tin-foil conspiracy hat as they get in AZ. Sorry - I would not care two shits about the opinions of the cart sanitizer at the local grocers when it comes to theorizing about community spread or epidemiological concerns in general! wtf

Our disgusting governor claiming we have enough beds for people to die in is a disgrace and likely factually incorrect as hospital bed capacity has NOT kept up with the skyrocketing growth rate of the Phoenix metro area. . .
There is no treatment and there is no vaccine, the virus exists on every territory and in every country on earth, at this point the only thing to do is avoid others and wait for it to burn its way through the population.

The lock-downs in the US happened too late to make any impact the virus was already to widespread same with Europe and other areas.

Perhaps if China had been honest with the world we could have isolated it back in December but that did not happen.

Lucky for us its not really that dangerous so keep the old people locked up and sit tight for it to wash over us.
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