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Old Posted May 19, 2020, 4:18 PM
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Unapologetic Occidental
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Location: Province 2, Canadian Empire
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Originally Posted by jonny24 View Post
I used to be pretty good at distinguishing Aus/NS/SA (it's a common joke, but fush+chups vs feesh+cheeps really does help)

However, I've been getting worse at it I think. I watch a ton of rugby, I encounter all those accents a lot, but it's so commonly mixed company that they all start to blur. Only in certain directions though. A lot of the time, it'll take me a few words or sentences to realize the speaker is Aussie and not English, but I would never mistake English for Aussie.

It's funny that "house" is a word that Canadians get "caught out" on, I've had that exact conversation with my finacee's family. They spent 5 years in Sydney, and now her dad is dating a girl from Melbourne so we talk about it sometimes and "house" was discussed in depth. She thinks we say it too short, I think she's saying about two vowels too many and swallowing at the same time.. "hay-owgh-se".... She laughed at that

I have a pretty good grasp of "northern" vs "southern" English, but not anything more refined than that. If they have hard R's then possibly "west country". I can notice different Irish accents but have no idea on placing them with any area or class, just that they're different. I have a co worker that's from Belfast so if I hear the odd word said exactly like him then I guess Northern.
I've noticed over time that I've gotten better at picking out francophone accents from overseas. The French and Belgians and Swiss all used to sound the same to me. Now I am getting pretty good at distinguishing them, especially the Belgians. I heard someone on the radio recently (he was living in Canada) and he had a European French accent and I could tell he was Belgian. Even though he did not use any of the tell-tale Belgian words.
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