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Old Posted Apr 2, 2020, 1:56 AM
DesertRay DesertRay is offline
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Originally Posted by Obadno View Post
Lets address some nonsense in your post.

1. Nuclear scientists are not epidemiologists. Being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in all.

2. Claiming cut funding of the CDC consequentially caused the pandemic is not a valid argument. You cannot prove such a claim, one does not follow the other.

Let me demonstrate:

If we cut funding to the DOD will war breakout across the world?

If we cut funding to the Department of education will kids stop getting an education?

Did we literally eliminate the CDC? was all previous work and plans on pandemics shredded and burned because some recent funding was reallocated? Do you really think a advisory board about pandemics within the CDC would have actually made the difference in this global pandemic? That those few dollars, and meetings and preparedness advisories would have stopped a highly contagious novel virus with a long incubation period?

Is knowledge eliminated if the group that put it together is now gone? Like if we had a written plan and then our funding got cut does that plan vanish?

What was the alleged plan of this "pandemic" team? To nuke Wuhan back on January 3rd? To lock down the country at the first hint of a virus of unknowable deadliness and transmissibity appeared in china?

I doubt it. Unless it did I dont see how it could have saved us. I dont know why you would assume changes in budget directly correlate to effectiveness or preparedness.

I dont know how you can logically conclude that less funding axiomatically means less effectiveness and less preparedness.
Jeebus, you don't do research. The Los Alamos/Sandia team was a group of scientists that included epidemiologists and other scientists who deal with these complex events (mathematicians, etc.).

Trump reduced funding for the CDC. Trump admin shuttered the pandemic team. It redirected efforts to deal with global threats to build a border fence to win reelection. Trump publicly opined about it magically going away while we did nothing. We lost our focus, and are now desperately trying to get it back while Americans die.

Do some research. It's out there. Stop hyperventilating to defend your confirmation bias. I'm willing to take in data and revise. I'm a Republican. I'm citing historical precedent. Get a grip.
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