Thread: Block 23
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Old Posted Feb 26, 2020, 6:57 PM
biggus diggus biggus diggus is offline
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Originally Posted by PHXFlyer11 View Post
Nobody said they were inherantly good. A chain means that a business was wildly successful, successful enough to scale. That is a good thing, it means there is demand.

Now there are good chains and bad chains. Nobody is suggesting downtown become full of exclusively chains - BUT - chains provide stability. They don't go out of business after 6 or 12 months like the mom and pop places do. Ultimately a healthy economy and retail scene needs both. We're talking about downtown for the 5th biggest city in the country for Christ sake, chains are gonna show up. We're not talking about Roosevelt Row.
You're arguing with the "I want to wish it true" mentality, won't get you anywhere. I agree with you 100% Some people only think what they want should exist, forget all the millions of other people who don't share their view, right?

The majority of people feel comfortable and familiar with chains. When chains start showing up downtown it's a sign that the city is becoming a destination. Think of all the most bustling parts of big cities, full of chains. Hell, even the most bustling parts of the Valley we live in...

I got news for you all: You're going to see a Rock Bottom (or similar) downtown and your'e going to see a Nike store (or similar) downtown. This means your city is doing well, not that it's selling out. I wish some of you would be a little more aware.
Mr. K the monopoly man
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