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Old Posted Nov 22, 2019, 9:44 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is online now
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Originally Posted by someone123 View Post
I feel for renters more than I feel for homeowners. Higher density tends to drive up land prices and homeowners benefit from that. In Halifax it is very easy to sell in one neighbourhood and buy somewhere cheaper a few km away.

There is no good way to guarantee everyone a stable urban neighbourhood from the time they move in to the time they feel like moving out. I understand why people like that but it's not how cities work. The closest you could get is to buy a large acreage out in the country so that you control the land you want to keep unchanged, and again this option is available in metro Halifax. Some people seem to want it both ways, and want to control property they don't own, and they want urban conveniences but not urban dynamism.
Hey, I said I can see both sides of this. Just giving one side of things that is never covered here.

As far as density driving up home prices, I feel that having a large building built next to your place would decrease the value, but I don't have data, and I'm not a real estate agent. However, if I were a buyer, it would deter me, and I suspect others would feel the same.

Sure, you can be blasé over somebody who was intially happy where they live, then turned unhappy enough that they will go to the trouble and expense of moving - it's really easy to say it's no problem when it's somebody else's problem...

Obviously we can't have everything we want in life, and there's no guarantees... for anybody. But at least we can try to understand a little...
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