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Old Posted Nov 16, 2019, 8:42 PM
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travis3000 travis3000 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Simcoe County, ON
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Canada is a beautiful country. A few of my personal favourite spots:

-Ontario's Great Lakes: very underrated IMO. Beautiful beaches, shallow warm waters, great swimming, the power of Niagara Falls, summers of boating in the Muskoka's, rustic cottages, etc.

-Rocky Mountains: you can't go wrong here. Lake Louise, Banff, Whistler. The Rockies always leave me speechless. One of the nicest mountain ranges on the planet. Just driving from Whistler BC to Banff AB is an unreal drive. Everyone should do it at least once.

-The Alberta badlands (Drumheller)..... simply stunning. Like a page right out of the ancient dinosaur habitats. I really enjoyed my trip here, its hard to believe you're in Canada.

-Quebec's St Lawrence corridor especially around Quebec City. Great views....European architecture, steep cliffs, whales, waterfalls. I simply love this area.

-Nova Scotia Coastline.... something about the Cape Breton Highlands down to Halifax. Right on the ocean, the gentle hills, greenery, etc.

-The Red Sand Of PEI.....something about PEI always sticks with me....and the red sand has lots to do with it. There is a certain relaxing charm about this province and the beaches/no care in the world feeling you get.

Never been to the Territories but Im sure there's some gorgeous spots up there too.
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