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Old Posted Sep 21, 2019, 7:16 PM
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Sam Hill Sam Hill is offline
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Originally Posted by bunt_q View Post
CDOT’s m.o. is solving a known bottleneck and sudden lane reduction caused by a river/railroad right-of-way constraint that affects 250,000 people per day using that stretch of roadway. Which, I’d point out, is more than double RTD’s total rail system ridership. The m.o. is to make 250,000 people’s day slightly better. Also, any expansions will be tolled capacity, that’s the new m.o. So why don’t we move beyond the unsophisticated far left/privileged urban elite tropes and talking points and have a rational conversation about what moves the most people most effectively. You guys have all moved into your social media echo chambers and listening to you is not so different from listening to the Trump crowd anymore. It. wasn’t so long ago this forum actually engaged in independent thought and discussion from time to time. Is this our collective reaction to a decade of rail expansion that most would agree had been an abject failure? We know it’s hopeless now so we have retreated into making everybody’s drive worse, since we acknowledge we have no way to make alternatives better?

Edit: This is why I’m a Biden guy. This unproductive revolutionary instant gratification fix it all overnight nonsense isn’t getting us anywhere. Can’t wait for “nothing to change” and then we’ll watch an entire generation of young voters be disappointed and go back to giving up on the system. And then we can all put away our magic wands and get back to actual hard work. (End of grumpy old man rant!)
Most excellent rant, sir.
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