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Old Posted Aug 26, 2019, 5:13 PM
edale edale is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
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I have always thought LA and Detroit shared many similarities. When you're driving along one of the enormously wide avenues in South LA, it feels very similar to driving one of the big avenues in Detroit. It's flat as can be, streets are ridiculously wide and over sized, commercial buildings are limited to one or two stories and go on forever, and they're flanked with relatively dense detached housing.

Crenshaw- LA!8i6656

Vermont- LA!8i8192

Woodward- Detroit!8i8192

Obviously the vegetation is different and LA has way more Spanish and Mediterranean Revival architecture. The mountains in the distance are obviously not present in Detroit, but both have large swaths of very flat land that has been developed similarly. I tend to think of LA being like a Detroit that just kept growing with more immigration.
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