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Old Posted Aug 22, 2019, 5:44 AM
lio45 lio45 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Quebec
Posts: 42,663
One test I find relevant is to look at blind Street View examples (without looking in the upper left corner, I mean) then try to honestly determine if you could know you're not in the city you're told you are.

Here's two links - click on them and turn around 180 degrees, or even explore the area a bit if you want. I'll say "it's Montreal".!8i6656!8i6656

Here's a bonus - an "Existential Covfefe" graffiti I randomly stumbled upon! (Note that the housing behind that Ford cube van is also Montrealish so it's an okay example for my purposes anyway.)!8i6656
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