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Old Posted Aug 11, 2019, 6:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Truenorth00 View Post
The prairies are effectively edge cases when it comes to electric vehicles with severe climate extremes on both ends. Trying to cater to them, at the same time as the 80% of the country who lives in milder weather is pointless. They can go electric when the tech catches up sufficiently for them. No point holding everyone else back.
I would never expect to have any industry ever have to cater to them... or those kind (The Prairie market)... ever.

& the Federal Government Carbon Tax on Farmers that use more than average/capita fossil fuels on agricultural equipment in an industry that has no other options for fuel source makes this obvious, or at least as long as there is food on Canadian's tables...

I agree, once technology catches up to some of these short falls then consumer market in Arizona/California that has hottest ever recorded temperatures in USA will be able to jump on board with EVs just as much as people in interior BC and The Prairies with hottest ever recorded temperatures in Canada,

plus of course places with coldest temperature records in Canada like Ontario & Quebec & northern parts of Canada.

...Just thinking of all the extremes EV would ever have to deal with in Canada.

Number per Province of Extreme Temperature records for all of Canada per year in a century:
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