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Old Posted Aug 7, 2019, 12:35 AM
Northern Light Northern Light is offline
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Originally Posted by JManc View Post
You can't correct mistakes by erasing them.
Why have spell check?, a backspace key, the option to delete a file, or in old-school parlance, the eraser end of a pencil or liquid paper?

Mistakes are meant to be erased.

The suburbs that are already built and habitable are not going anywhere and the only solution is to make them more sustainable.
That seems defeatist.

There were several thousand homes that were wiped out during Harvey that the county came in and bought out and those areas are done for as far as further development.
Wait a minute.......Harvey erased some mistakes.....and that's ok.......but you're not allowed to do it on purpose?

Previously, they would flood, insurance would pay out and people would rebuild until the next flood.
That would seem an abundantly good reason to to get rid of those homes/neighbourhoods.

Not to mention it would surely save some lives as well, in the next big storm.

It would then make that storm much cheaper to deal with as there's less damage, no people in danger, fewer roads closed and much less need for emergency/disaster response.......etc.