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Old Posted Aug 5, 2019, 10:20 PM
Buckeye Native 001 Buckeye Native 001 is offline
E pluribus unum
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Arizona
Posts: 31,299
It could be so much worse: Any of you could end up like my parents, who have a grandson that they've only ever met for 45 minutes the day he was born (11/5/2018). My brother and his wife decided to cut off all contact with us shortly after my nephew's birth, yet still live in the same metropolitan area as my parents.

I've personally never met my nephew. I've tried, goddammit, but my brother and his wife decided they don't want any of my side of the family in their lives.

So...yeah. Tell me about what a burden it is to have aging parents nearby as opposed to a nanny (at least he/she is maximizing their full capitalist potential by earning money for providing childcare services, because apparently that's the only thing worth a god damn). Parents who, god forbid, you might want to rely on every once in a while to watch your child. What a horrible thing to have handy.

FWIW, I don't have any children myself, but I don't think I can ever forgive my brother for the amount of pain he's inflicted (whether intentional or not) on my parents for denying them time and memories they could have spent with their grandson. My dad stopped telling people at work he is a grandfather after growing tired of trying to come up with excuses when asked what he did with his grandson at Thanksgiving, Christmas and his 60th birthday.


It's not the suburbs (yet...), but my parents and I have discussed going in on a condo together in Flagstaff. Apparently they'd still like to keep in contact with at least one of their children, and have a place to escape the heat every once in a while. My gf and I have a dog, which is kind of like having a grandson for my mother so we've got that going for us, which is nice.

Last edited by Buckeye Native 001; Aug 5, 2019 at 10:33 PM.
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