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Old Posted Aug 5, 2019, 3:41 PM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by LA21st View Post
Im glad someone else saw this. Even when Downtown LA sucked, it was still on a different level and built differently than other sunbelt cities. Again, it had 1.5 millon by 1940, just in the city.
LA isn't in the sunbelt tier. It's kind of it's own thing, since it's not with the older cities either.
Even today considering it’s size LA has a weak downtown and that is due to the same economic and social pressures as Phoenix having a weak downtown.

La had a bigger downtown to start with before suburbanization but it has still be completely underutilized just as Phoenix was.

If everything were even LA should have an urban core nipping at the heels of New York and blowing away cities like Chicago, Toronto, Seattle and Vancouver

But it doesn’t because of the same reason Phoenix has a small downtown.

Nobody is trying to put them in the same league, but they are also not “entirely different” in fact they are very similar in development pattern
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