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Old Posted Aug 5, 2019, 2:23 AM
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jlousa jlousa is offline
Ferris Wheel Hater
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,371
A kitchen is literally the most expensive part for a developer to provide. They are the ones pushing this concept. And sure they would be some savings but it won't be proportional, just like the smaller units that were pushed all rent for a much higher rate on a pdf basis. Picture buying one of this units and then life changing and you want to cook, or sell the unit... the demand for such a unit would be pretty limited which will affect what you can get for it. And good luck ever putting a kitchen into a unit without one, new plumbing, electrical, most likely upgrade the service... it will never happen not to mention the real goal here is to cut down the space you get even more so they can cram more units onto a parcel.
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