Thread: Gas Prices
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Old Posted Jun 25, 2019, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by WestCoastEcho View Post
That's the numbers as per Davis Swan, per this submission to the BCUC:

Yeah, where do we need to place the windmills to achieve optimal generating performance? In pristine, untouched ecologically sensitive areas near Haida Gwaii in Northern BC and the northern tip of Vancouver Island, causing significant ecological and habitat destruction:

Don't forget the need to construct miles of new high voltage transmission lines in said areas as well, to connect your new wind turbines to the rest of the power grid.

Good luck getting that by any of the environmental groups.

Oh, and good luck getting consistent amounts of power on most days... not something one should rely on for a reliable power grid.

So, double the number of EV's planned by 2030 on the road by even the most optimistic numbers. Still need Site C for that power.

And no where near net zero emissions...
What if cars were to charge overnight when there is plenty of extra capacity? How many cars could be charged then.
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