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Old Posted May 20, 2019, 7:03 PM
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Cross-posting from the politics thread. Here's the executive order Lightfoot just signed to end aldermanic prerogative:

3. Reform Aldermanic Prerogative

a. As soon as practicable, no department shall defer to aldermanic prerogative in their decision-making practice unless expressly required by the Municipal Code of Chicago. Each department shall update any and all department procedures, practices, and materials to reflect this change no later than 60 days following this Order. Each department shall submit a report describing these changes, as provided in Section 4.c. Nothing in this Order affects department decisions that took effect prior to the date of this Order.

b. Nothing in this Order shall be construed to prevent aldermen from submitting input to departments regarding decision-making.

c. When engaged in decision-making, departments shall consider aldermanic input as an important source of information, but shall not be bound by that input or by any attempt by an alderman to otherwise exercise aldermanic prerogative over decision-making.

d. Whenever a department receives input from an alderman in a decision-making practice that does not require deference to aldermanic prerogative as a matter of law, any such input must be memorialized in writing.
It looks like aldermen still have power in zoning, but won't have the power to block other zoning changes in their ward.
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