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Old Posted May 16, 2019, 3:17 PM
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Steely Dan Steely Dan is offline
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Originally Posted by sopas ej View Post
You will come to appreciate them.
i will eventually become accustomed to them, but i doubt i will ever appreciate them.

those old high pressure sodium lights were just so magnificently orange. they cast such a mysterious glow upon the city. bright AF, but all so immersively orange. colors didn't matter anymore, after sundown the whole city just pulsated with this pervasive, inescapable glowing orange. everything was just orange. the buildings. the streets. the trees. the people. the cars. the sky. everything. just orange. magical.

it's a mood the new LED will never have, because with their more true color light, you can now make out actual colors at night. i guess that's helpful from public safety aspect, but i'll always miss that mysterious orange.
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