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Old Posted Sep 23, 2018, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by David_99 View Post
I have some older co-workers that are convinced that fracking the hell out of the Province is a good thing and all we need to turn things around, create jobs and pay back the debt. A "no brainer", they say.........
Well, I'm not in favour of a province wide ban on fracking, but at the same time I acknowledge that fracking is not a panacea.

The current prices for natural gas are pretty low, and there really wouldn't be too much in the way of royalty revenues available for the government. That being said, there are jobs to be had and I believe fracking should be allowed in areas of the province where it is popular, like in the Sussex region.

The way around this is to create legislation where the decision to frack or not is decided at a local or municipal level. If Kings County wants fracking but Kent County doesn't, then so be it. This decision can be made by local referenda.
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