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Old Posted Jul 7, 2018, 3:18 PM
Denscity Denscity is offline
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Originally Posted by 240glt View Post
Several types of former Albertans in the interior. First there are those who bought property and retired there, and then there are seasonal property owners, many of whom plan to retire there when the time comes. Then there are the people like myself who grew up in the interior and left for Alberta 20 years ago because there were no opportunities for young people at home, but now that we’ve done well and can support ourselves in a smaller town are moving back. That’s happening with a lot of my friends from high school who have become professionals, started families and like the idea of being closer to family and being in what a lot of people consider a better environment to raise a family

In my experience, the Albertans with no roots other than they own property or live there are far more conservative than those with roots in the area
Pretty much nailed it.
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