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Old Posted Jan 24, 2018, 3:05 PM
papertowelroll papertowelroll is offline
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Originally Posted by hookem View Post
It's very risky IMO. Brings back memories of the ride-share vote. PSV would no doubt have a slick, well funded campaign, but as we've seen before that could mean nothing or even backfire. Plus the council picks the wording on the ballot, and that in itself can lead to disaster. Also, the council would probably put it on a May ballot, which increases the NIMBY effect because average Joes tend not to vote then.

I agree with SkyPie that Richard Suttle's involvement is a plus -- he'll have to get pretty creative with this one, but if anyone can find a way it is him.
I made this comparison earlier in the thread. I can't think of any easier way to manipulate Austin sheeple than "OMG, AN EVIL CORPORATION IS TRYING TO TAKE AWAY OUR PARKS!!".

I think that PSV should either pony-up for private land or take the McKalla site. That location really isn't bad. As much as those of us on this board may wish otherwise, Austin is NOT a very centralized city. That property is not in the boonies, it is convenient for a huge chunk of the population. That area is also developing extremely fast. In 10 years that will not be a particularly unusual location for a stadium.
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