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Old Posted Jan 6, 2018, 12:11 AM
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Sable Island resident who assisted a dolphin washed up on the shore interviewed on As It Happens tonight had the closest thing to a West Country accent I've ever heard in Canada.

Not quite as strong as the remnants of West Country remaining along the Atlantic Coast in the U.S. like here:

Video Link

But not far off.

Fascinating. I'd always thought Nova Scotia had a stronger Scottish legacy than anything else, but there's nothing Scottish in the accent there. Rather, the "ker" for "car" that you get in the Maritimes (Rick Mercer, etc.) is clearly a West Country thing.

We're all speaking West Country descended Shakespearean English with hard rhotic Rs on this side of the Atlantic, as, like all colonies, we were conservative and preservative while the motherland evolved away from those Rs to the current British Rs, but it's really interesting how there are small pockets of speakers who sound closer to the modern-day West Country accent than the rest of us.
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