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Old Posted Nov 27, 2017, 9:02 PM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by KEVINphx View Post
maybe a real solution to the plague of homelessness and chronic poverty - we are the richest nation on the face of the planet and yet we must design public seating so those with no roof over their heads can not sleep on it!

The real problem with homelessness is that they have all manner of mental issues.

There are very few people that are homeless just due to economic poverty and if they are its usually a very temporary situation. truly being homeless requires you to have nowhere to go , no relationships or family to help, no seeking accommodations or employment.

That doesn't happen because you are poor it happens because you are incapable of functioning in our society, weather that's because of an illness or you simply lack the faculties or you are heavily addicted to drugs that all depends.

When there were such a thing as mental institutions/hospitals most of which disappeared by the early 1980's most of the homeless today would be interred there as wards of the state. But there were many horror stories of abuse and mistreatment so that way of dealing with these mentally handicapped individuals was ended.

But nothing was put in place to deal with these people and now they just live on the streets. I don't think what we are doing now is in any way a better solution or somehow more humane than when they would send them off to a mental institution but what are people supposed to do?

Just letting homeless people wallow around in parks and on benches isn't going to help either.
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