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Old Posted Nov 20, 2017, 8:02 PM
eschaton eschaton is offline
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I agree that the East Liberty project is very, very underwhelming. However, it's mostly a rehab/reskin, with what looks like the cheapest of cheap of two-story infill buildings being constructed in an area where a vacant lot now sits. I think a lot of this comes from Anthony Dolan's firm not being that well capitalized (since he's blowing most of his wad on the new building at the corner of Penn and Centre). It's at least a modest step up from what's there before, and considering the area is surrounded on all sides (save the AA building) by parking lots, anything to get the ball rolling in this dead zone seems like a good thing. I do really hope the Planning Commission holds out for at minimum rotating the new construction building 90 degrees. But even worse crap like the new Arbys has been given the go-ahead in the Baum-Centre corridor, so I won't get my hopes up.
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