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Old Posted Oct 13, 2017, 2:08 PM
exit2lef exit2lef is offline
self-important urbanista
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 3,061
As is often the case, the Downtown Devil is providing the best coverage:

I haven't followed this case closely, but base on what I've read so far, I lean towards UPP's position. Phoenix has said yes to far too many mediocre developments (Collier Center, Arizona Center, and CityScape are a few examples) because we thought that they were better than vacant lots or empty buildings. We're no longer in a position of such desperation There's enough interest in Downtown that we can wait for someone to get it right.

Maybe it really is true that the developer can't make this work without the alley abandonment, but it's concerning that this detail was revealed after the RFP was awarded, making this seem like a possible bait-and-switch. If my schedule permits, I might attend Wednesday's hearing to learn more. I encourage others to do the same, regardless of how they feel about this case.
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