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Old Posted Sep 6, 2017, 6:15 AM
Bikemike Bikemike is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 395
Originally Posted by caligrad View Post
When people know everything about nothing, you get a lot of repetitiveness, filler, unnecessary insults, continues exaggerations and they result to going completely off topic. Seriously...talking about people voting for a Mayor 60 freaking years ago and how those people are sooo much smarter than current Angelenos ???? You've GOT to be joking?? No one in their right mind would compare city governments/needs/people of 1955 to what's happening NOW. As of RIGHT NOW, in comparison, LA is heading in the right direction.

Oh hell. While we're at it. Lets compare the USA to Greece....Oh no, not the current Greece, that's embarrassing. Lets compare the USA with Ancient Greece and call that fair instead .

I.....Just....Cant.... HAHAHA

In other relevant news. Are there updated numbers on the Expo Line and Gold Line Ridership numbers?
Wow, you don't follow politics too much do you? Comparing the political legacy of decades to a civilization 3000 years ago - very provocative . Anyone with an ounce of education (and depth) knows that political legacies in modern US cities/counties/states last decades. The LA of Sam Yorty was alive and well by Daryl Gates' regime. It took an outsider named Bratton to redirect the culture, and it took a second riots to bring in outsiders such as him. Mike Antonovich was a supe for 36 years, gifting us an entire generation of stonewalling liberal agenda, particularly where it came to transit (look up his comment on 'gang rape' lol. Demographic change has been LA's only savior (and even then, it fails to make dramatic change - it's VERY gradual, and full of populist ignorance ). These are just a couple examples of the intransigence of political inertia. But it'll all fall on a deaf ear, since speaking to you is like speaking to someone who watches too much MTV on their free time. I know we're all products of our environment, but you could benefit from reading less TMZ

P.S. Betcha didn't know who Sam Yorty was before I mentioned him, did you

Last edited by Bikemike; Sep 6, 2017 at 6:26 AM.
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