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Old Posted May 10, 2017, 4:37 PM
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CrestedSaguaro CrestedSaguaro is offline
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Originally Posted by nickw252 View Post
Two observations/questions:

1. where will the parking for the hotel be? Obviously it's not underground and it doesn't look like the hotel will sit on a parking podium.
2. according to the site plan on the first post, the residential tower should be considerably larger. From the OxBlue camera, it looks like the hotel is taking up at least half of the lot. Is it just the angle?
1. This is a pretty good head-scratcher. I'm not even sure the residential portion will have a podium since the footprint looks a little too small to have a podium garage. If it does, it will not even be completed until well after the Hampton Inn is completed. I am not sure if there is enough parking at Freeport/Westin to support the hotel and definitely not enough for the residential tower. I'm not familiar with the Freeport tower, but I believe there is no underground garage, correct?

2. The footprint of the hotel and the residential are nearly identical. There's much more room on the West portion of the lot than the camera makes it look.
Ronnie Garrett
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