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Old Posted Feb 12, 2017, 4:32 PM
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Originally Posted by The Flying Dutchman View Post
I'm hearing on the grapevine that two giant projects, 11th/Broadway by Pinnacle, and 'The Block' on Broadway by Bosa (formerly Zephyr partners), are scheduled to begin this year.
That would be great. I've heard that, too. At a community meeting, a representative from Civic San Diego posited that the three most likely projects to break ground this year were The Nook, The Block, and 11th & Broadway.

My own thinking is that one of the first signs of action that development-watchers like us would see on the 11th & Broadway project is residents of the California Apartments moving out, since disassembling that building is part of the plan.

A few months ago, I saw a crew working on the C Street side of The Block. Their truck said something about "potholing," which I understand is a method to try to located existing buried utilities.

If I recall correctly, the same Civic SD rep said that the East Village Green was at the point of giving a notice to proceed on the design plans for the park. He anticipated 1 year of engineering design, 6 months of getting permitting approvals, and 2 years of construction. Remember that this park will include two levels of underground parking, and a community center building, so it is not just a matter of demolishing the existing buildings and inserting landscaping.

Someone asked about the Willmark development (on C Street between Park Blvd and 13th Street) that has been blocked off for a while with little to no action, and he said that it turns out that the tectonic fault that was known to be on the site was a bit further east than anticipated, and that the developer was considering going higher with the eastern building. No one present asked how much higher, but I imagine it would be similar to what had been previously approved.

The same rep said that we may hear an announcement about a new use for the old downtown library in the near future, but that he couldn't be more specific.
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