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Old Posted Aug 12, 2016, 1:56 PM
Mikemike Mikemike is offline
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If you were at all informed on the issue you might be aware that the lycra crowd aren't actually who bike lanes are designed for, in fact many lycra people don't want them, afraid that using lanes will cramp their style.

I've biked in a few cities, and in general an unused bike lane is a shitty bike lane, one that doesn't go anywhere, offers no protection from traffic and poorly maintained (full of gravel). His stat on how many people prefer cycling, which he uses as an arguement against bike lanes, has 8.7% of people in edmonton preferring bikes- that's like 6x more than the percentage of people who actually do bike commute here. And, as he fails to understand, people's preferred mode of transportation is not independent of actual conditions using that mode where they live. Maybe if we had excellent bike lanes/cycle tracks etc and calmer car traffic we would have 10% biking their commutes and 30% preferring it.
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