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Old Posted Jul 9, 2016, 10:03 PM
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HossC HossC is offline
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As promised yesterday, here's the exterior of Stear's. Julius Shulman apparently took these pictures to show a remodel, but as we don't have any previous images of the outside, we'll have to get inside before we can make comparisons. This is "Job 2166: Stear's - remodel, 1956".
NB. This first image originally had blue crop markings on it. I've done my best to remove them.

A better view of the sign.

A view from the north.

Please exit your cars.

I've left out a few pictures from this set. One was a close-up of the door above, but this one is quite similar. Let's go inside ...

Take a seat at the bar while we get your table ready.

Or maybe have a smoke.

I'm guessing that this is the same room we saw yesterday - it's the only one with a curved wall.

More tables.

I'll finish the Shulman photos with this wide view of the dining area. Is that where they cooked the steaks at the back?

All from Getty Research Institute

Until I found the photoset above, this was the only good exterior view I had. Going by the Thunderbird, this must be at least mid-60s. Notice that the colors on the sign have been reversed and the words "FOR STEAKS" have been added.
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