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Old Posted Jul 4, 2016, 10:06 PM
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Jonovision Jonovision is offline
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Wow! That is a dramatic change from the 3 storey office building. I think the design is a little on the wide side, but it shows promise. The architects have done some really good projects in other cities.

The fact that this is the 4th tower to ask for a variance for width in the Downtown Plan Area leads me to one of two possible issues that I believe should be looked at.
1. Due to the constraints on other parts of projects, mainly the viewplanes limiting heights, that projects are not completely viable without the added units that the wider towers allow. (skeptical on this one)
2. The design review committee lacks the legislative power to really deny variances of this nature as we have yet to see them make any substantial changes to a development that was brought before them.
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