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Old Posted May 9, 2016, 7:01 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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In addition to the points mentioned, one thing that will suffer is the ability to have temporary entertainment venues on the site. I recall several instances where tents or stages were set up with live music on site. If this is going to be mostly residential, I expect the noise complaints would start coming in and put an end to such events, even if they could physically fit a venue there.

Regarding the other concerns expressed about the building. I agree that it is too blocky but am not sure that architecture in 2016 is ready to yield something that isn't either glass or rectangular in effect. The fact that they are using cladding that is actual stone and copper (and granite, but it appears that granite will only be used in stairs?) is a step up for my expectations.

Also, I'm assuming that the ground floor will contain some retail that could contain similar businesses as the shacks do now. The renderings make the whole ground floor seem somewhat stark, but I can't imagine the final product being as such.

I was hoping for something better, to be honest, but realize that overall it could be worse. It could have looked like Doyle Block...
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