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Old Posted Apr 16, 2016, 8:59 AM
RichTempe RichTempe is offline
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Originally Posted by exit2lef View Post
Here's some detail on the demolition and the circumstances surrounding it:
I have no idea what the HP people or the Roosevelt Action (Inaction?) Association have been doing since the 1980's when this building apparently became eligible for designation on the local and National Register of Historic Places, but I guess I can now understand why huge chunks of Phoenix history have vanished over the years if this is a typical example of how quickly they work. I certainly don't respect the developer for lying at the meeting (one that they requested) on the 12th and then doing exactly the opposite of what they said they would only 3 days later. However, 30 years is an AWFULLY long time to be asleep at the switch when it comes to preserving a supposedly beloved Roosevelt Row 'icon'. Seriously, you can hardly be called a 'preservation group' or an 'action committee' if you don't actually, you know, preserve or act Perhaps I'm just not familiar with the all successes they've had using the 'so upset, nearly in tears' tactic employed in the Circles/Stewart Motor building debacle.

Honestly though, I'm afraid that what happens now is what a few other members have said: the developer holds the rest of the building hostage for the GPLET and when they don't get it, that's the excuse to knock the rest of the building down and then have the lot sit vacant because good luck getting the city to quickly approve any additional plans or permits from this developer after the childish stunt they pulled. I'm even kind of doubting that there were/are any plans beyond the demolition and then hanging onto the lot for a profit down the road anyway. If there were, then why not just take a week or so, go forward with the rest of the community meetings and then claim they couldn't come to a mutual agreement? At least that way the developer looks like they acted in good faith, stays in the mayor's and the city's good graces while also avoiding the shitstorm they've unleashed and getting to build whatever they want. Since Aspirant didn't do that, I'm guessing they don't give a damn what the city or community think because there's nothing beyond knocking the building down and banking the parcel. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I'm also not holding my breath.

Originally Posted by Obadno View Post
People doing what they want with the land they own

The Horror!!! The Horror!!

you should be happy they even bother to get community input at all.
I think that's most peoples' point. Aspirant didn't really get community input. They gave some lip service to it, but then didn't even follow through with the sham they started in the first place. As you say, 'people doing what they want with the land they own'. Well, they own the land and already have the permit for complete demolition so why bother with the charade of public meetings and not finish that process? There's something else going on here and I doubt anyone's going to like it when all is said and done and that's regardless of whether you loved or hated the building.

Last edited by RichTempe; Apr 16, 2016 at 10:33 AM.
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