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Old Posted Feb 13, 2016, 9:09 PM
Colin May Colin May is offline
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Originally Posted by worldlyhaligonian View Post
Then why do all the major / successful cities have such a brand? The Iamsterdam campaign comes to mind.

I don't want a lighthouse or some other nonsense in the city's logo. Sure, we have lighthouses, but Amsterdam's logo isn't a canal or ship or something else ridiculously kitchy. The HRM brand before the change was a joke... if you like that sort of thing, you're not the type of person the branding is trying to attract.

We already have world class public schools (many of them have IB programs) and universities. Unfortunately all of our world class talent, including everybody I went to school with on the peninsula has moved away. I'm not mad though, I'd much rather live in world class cities until Halifax gets its act together on broad issues like how it represents itself and on key issues like transit, infrastructure, etc.

The small mindedness comes from people trying to carve out some separate identity from a part of the HRM when areas of the city should view themselves as districts. You wouldn't hear somebody in Queen's NY rail against the fact that they "aren't from NY". This type of thinking gets exaggerated at council too.
Stanfield Airport has not adopted the new logo. Nor has the Port of Halifax.

HRM has world class public schools - names please.
Did you listen to the CBC radio this past week ? Have you seen the test scores from HRM schools ?
Have you spoken with teachers, especially those who have a class with 50% on an IPP ? Do you believe HRM inner city schools look attractive from the outside ?
Amsterdam is much larger and nicer than Halifax, not to mention significant its economic and cultural history stretching back centuries. I don't need a logo to know what Amsterdam, or any other major city offers. The logo for Hamburg is much the same as 50 years ago.
Say Rotterdam to a Nova Scotian and I don't know how a person would respond or if they could locate it on a map.

HRM is a nice place to live, not a cultural icon but I would not expect such a small place to offer the cultural experience available in much larger cities. Dartmouth is nicer because we have better views, the lakes and cheaper properties. Unfortunately the schools leave much to be desired.

Branding will end up being one of those passing fads, a bit like the short lifespan of the Zero Based Budgeting rage of the 80s.

How would you brand Nova Scotia ?
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