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Old Posted Dec 2, 2015, 1:25 AM
Drybrain Drybrain is offline
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Originally Posted by halifaxboyns View Post
This argument about Schmidtville is getting old and frankly has been solved by Council. It's called HRM by Design - there is no conflict in planning at all. Council made a clear decision to allow taller buildings through HBD in the block between Spring Garden and Clyde from South Park all the way over to Queen - period. The building heights, rules etc. all reflect a desire to increase density; taller and greater intensity.

The two blocks that are between South Park Street and Dresdon Row are the only ones not impacted by viewplanes (literally a viewplane line goes down the middle of DR). So these two blocks are where taller buildings are emphasised by the planning documents - they tried and failed to have that thinking changed. Move on.

The 'midrise' blocks are the parking lots from DR to Queen - which are impacted by viewplanes and height limited.

Don't get me wrong - I love a lot of the buildings in the Schmidtville low rise area (below Clyde to Morris) - but tall/mid-rise and the smaller buildings can live quite fine together. Just make sure there are good separation distances; stepping the building back as it goes up to break up the massing and shadow studies to make sure that the street gets some light for a certain # of hours. Wow - it's not rocket science.

This also speaks to what is heritage and who determines it - I made a point of that in a post a few weeks ago. We really need a list of buildings that are Council (not the public not even staff; but Council decides on) that are of heritage value. Maybe let the public submit stuff for consideration but legislatively it should be council who decides.
The thing that makes me nuts is that this is being covered in the press, committees are being formed, politicians are responding, etc, despite the fact that it's basically a non-issue.

Meanwhile real heritage buildings are really being threatened with real demolition, literally just done the street, and no one even seems aware of it.
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