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Old Posted Nov 4, 2015, 1:22 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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Oops... I also posted this in the General Updates and News thread. I'll paste it here to keep the responses in this thread:

Heard this on the radio this morning:

Nova Scotia condos hurt by widespread workmanship woes: leaked report

Article at the link:

Anecdotally, my MIL was renting a condo in a newish building (around 4 years old at the time) a few years back and I heard through the condo owners that many units had water leak issues among other things and several of them had to spend in the vicinity of 10 grand to fix the issues. I would be wild, I have to say, to have just made the biggest purchase of my life and then have to spend more money due to the fact that the building wasn't built correctly! And, realistically, I don't know how a prospective condo owner would have any way of knowing in advance if they were going to face this problem or not.

This would really make me reconsider the purchase of a condo. Hopefully it will not affect sales of the new buildings going up in Halifax.

It makes me wonder how this could have gone on for so many years with no accountability process for builders and developers.

So is this just a Nova Scotia thing, or is it happening elsewhere as well?
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