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Old Posted Oct 26, 2015, 5:09 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is online now
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Originally Posted by Drybrain View Post
I feel the same way. The thing is, it's cheaper to rent a car once a month (or even twice a month) for those kinds of trips than it is to own a car, with the payments, insurance, and maintenance costs that entails. When I lived in Toronto I'd road trip at least once a month into rural Ontario, and renting was much cheaper than being saddled with my own vehicle.
Yep, if the numbers work better for a rental, then that's the way to go. Depends on your usage and what you want out of it, really. The rental car companies usually offer some pretty decent weekend packages as well, if you don't need/want one through the week.
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