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Old Posted Nov 17, 2014, 5:01 PM
lio45 lio45 is online now
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Originally Posted by wg_flamip View Post
Unless you work from home or live very close to work, I don't see how anyone could be home in time to make a meal and have it on the table by six anymore. Congestion is terrible and few people have a stay-at-home partner to get things started.

Given that a huge chunk of the population works shift work (whether in the service sector, manufacturing, healthcare, etc.), the rise of ethnic diversity and differing cultural relationships to food, and the unfortunately large segment of the population who can't/don't cook, I think by this point it's pretty useless to suggest that there's any specific time which dominates dining in most North American cities. Perhaps there's a middle class nuclear family ideal for all that, but that's a relatively small (and shrinking) demographic.
In the construction world schedules are generally something like 07h30-15h30 so it's very possible to be home and eating by 17h.

I agree that young, professional, career-oriented white collars can't expect to be back from their CBD office tower and sitting at their home's table that early, but I'd offer construction which still a major sector of employment as a counter-weight to it.

I mean, sure, the average person on this forum might still be at work at five pm, but my point is, I doubt that such an overwhelming majority of workers are still productively at their job site (office or otherwise) that late in the day.
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